Monday, April 30, 2007

Quarter Birthday

So it's almost my quarter birthday. Tryin' to talk the folks into celebrating it but so far the outlook is not good. I don't see why not, it is my first and isn't that pretty special? How can they deny such a cutie?!

My social life has really picked up in the past few weeks. Mom went back to work which I think was harder on her than me. They are really good to me at "school" and I get cuddled a lot. Plus Mom usually comes over and feeds me at lunch.

These days I'm working hard at grabbing things. Mom & Dad think I'll be a leftie. I favor it when I grab at stuff and I often have my thumb jammed in my mouth!

Here's Daddy and me, just hanging out, being men. All I need is the remote and some coordination so I can scratch myself. (What? You know it's true!)

I'll leave you with this adorable picture of me after a bath. I like bathtime. Well, more like shocked by it but I don't cry and I like being massaged with baby oil after it!

Well that's it for me today. Rap at ya later!

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