Friday, April 24, 2009

Chopper Cole

What's your vector Victor? Roger, roger. What's your clearance Clarence?

Recently I got the super cool chance to see my Grandfather fly a helicopter. It was so awesome.

I even got to sit in it. Don't I look cool? And you thought girls liked men in uniforms like firemen? Well they LOVE helicopter pilots - check me out!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Road Trip

I got some sweet photos to share with y'all today. For Easter weekend we hit the roads and went to Indiana. We went to see my Grandpa & Nana. So did my cuz Thomas and his folks, Uncle Nick and Aunt Rebecca.

It was the first time a lot of the family got to meet Scott too. He sure impressed everyone with his cuteness and charm. What can I say, he's learning from the best!

I had so much fun playing with Thomas and Mama's cousin's kids (would they be my third cousins??)

We had an Easter egg hunt and I think I did pretty good. We came home with 8 Easter baskets too!! Funny, I haven't seen any of my candy since we got home either. Mom, we need to talk about that!!

Not much else is new. Mom is still looking for a new daycare for us. But you can bet that wherever we go, the girls will be all over have Scott and I. Watch out boys, we're gonna steal your ladies!

Friday, April 3, 2009


'Sup Family and Friends! We've got good news and bad news. I'll give you the bad news first. Our daycare is closing at the end of May! For no real clear reasons, the church daycare board decided to close up shop. Our home away from home and family away from family will be shut down and everyone sent packing. It's very sad for all us kids who have made friends and come to love and trust our caregivers. And for all the caregivers who are out of a job and will have to say goodbye to the kids they've grown to love too.

Mom has begun to look for a new school for us and hopes she can find one that she'll be comfortable enrolling us in and hopefully provides meals and snacks too!

Now, on to the good news. My super awesome little brother Scott is getting pretty active. He's rolling over a lot and close to being able to sit up on his own. He loves sweet potatoes and liked the green beans he tried the other night.

Scott also has a tooth. He kinda looks silly with it though, but don't tell him I said that!

I've been getting outside and playing when it's nice out. And Daddy and I go feed the fish almost every day. I like to point out all the birds ("Hi birds!") and frogs too.

This weekend we'll be rooting for MSU playing in the Final Four! Check out Scott in his State sweatsuit! And next weekend we're heading to Indiana to show Scott off and see cousin Thomas. Aunt Rebecca is planning an Easter egg hunt and I'm so gonna find more eggs than Scott and Thomas! Yea, that's right, it's a challenge!