Back in December, I starred in my first concert. It was a Christmas concert at my daycare. I say starred only because my loving family was there just for me! Well, and my cousin Logan too. Unfortunately, none of the pictures turned out worth posting. I will say that it was a bit intimidating standing (and sitting and crawling and standing and being held, etc) for a good half hour while singing songs I had rehearsed every morning with the rest of my friends for a few weeks while all these parents starred at us. But I did manage to control my squirminess for a couple songs like The Itsy-Bitsy Spider and The Wheels On The Bus.
Then came Christmas. This was the first time I got the hang of opening presents. I got lots of great stuff and my parents are just thrilled with having more toys to clean up (note the sarcasm.) But in my defense I have to add that I am capable and I do pick up my toys when asked.
In fact, my folks are pretty proud of how helpful and polite I am. I say please and thank you all the time. I take things to the garbage to throw away and if someone drops something I pick it up for them with a "here go".
And I'm teaching my brother Scott to be the same way. So far I've taught him how to flash our famous, heart-melting smile. Of course Grandma fell right for it!
We did manage to get outside and try some sledding around the house. It'll be so fun next year when Scott can come too. Plus maybe we can try finding some hills so Daddy doesn't have to do all the work.
What were you doing on Feb 4th?? I was turning TWO YEARS OLD!! Yippee!! Everyone sang to me at school and I took in some mini ice cream sandwiches for my friends. My favorite part has been playing with my balloons though. Hey, I'm a simple man. The following weekend I had my birthday party. Grandma flew in from Florida and decorated my birthday cake too, isn't it great?! I got lots more cool things, clothes, toys, and cds of kids songs I like to jam to. The best gift came from my Great-Grandmother. She gave me a coffee mug full of cocoa puffs cereal. Boy does she know what I love!
Don't worry, Scott wasn't left out at all. Our cousin Selia got some one on one time with him. She just loves hanging out with us and vice versa.
So that's what we've been doing the past few months. Soon Scott will be sitting up and crawling around then watch out - double the cuteness coming atcha!!