Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cole Unwrapped

Sorry to keep you waiting so long sports fans. It's been a wild few months for me. I had my first Thanksgiving at Grandmother & Grandfather's house in Jackson. Hung out with my Cuz Thomas again. Boy he was fun, he was just learning to walk and he looked like my Uncle Nick after one too many beers!

Then a week later Mom and I went to Florida. We went with my other cousins Logan and Selia and Aunt Jen to Grandma & Papa's place. I had the flight attendants ooh-ing and aaw-ing over me. In Florida we went on lots of golf cart rides and I even went swimming for the first time.

When we got home, we all went out to get our Christmas tree. They had me bundled up super warm. We rode a tractor out to the trees and Daddy cut one down.

Then bad things started happening. We were all set to have a great Christmas, my very first. And Mom & Dad got the flu Christmas Eve. We had to cancel the festivities while they recovered, then Grandma & Papa got it next. We managed to feel well enough to open gifts one day and I got lots of great things, like this piece of wrapping paper - what fun!

Once things settled down after the holidays, I started getting high fevers. I saw the doc a couple of times and thought I was better but then it got worse. It got as high as 105.3! Yikes! The doctor sent me to the ER and ordered a bunch of tests, including a very scary spinal tap. After four long and tiring days in the hospital I was finally released. All they could determine was that I had some sort of virus. Once we left the hospital I have been one very happy boy. I've been having a blast playing with some new toys and feeling so much better.

Next time I holla at you I'll be One Year Old, older and wiser. Hope to have some good pictures for you then!