Thursday, December 11, 2008

Me & My Bro

Yo, yo! I bet you guys have missed us! Now there are two studs you can watch grow up on here. Calm down ladies...

So let me tell you a little bit about what we've been up to. As you know, my brother was born in September. He's getting really big. He is a much better eater than I am and is on the upper end of the charts. In no time I'm sure we'll be wearing the same clothes. Here he is at 3 weeks and again at 7 weeks after he started showing off his winning smile.

As for me, I have been hanging out with my daddy quite a bit (trying on his hat and boots). And playing outside before the snow started flying.

Something really cool happened, Daddy got a big buck, a 9-point. Check it out. And check out the buck I got on the right.

Then there was Halloween. Don't we look adorable? Ladies love firemen!! And that's when I learned about "candy". Mom realized that was a big mistake when I asked for it and cried when I didn't get any more for several days after.

Might be a long winter, being stuck inside but I got my buddy Buster and love racing around the house on my little Radio Flyer car from my Grandpa & Nana.

And Scott (the handsome little devil) will be rolling over in no time. I just can't wait until he's old enough to play with me. Stuffed animals, books and toys are only SO entertaining.

Yup, our family is complete and happy. Come visit us anytime!

Check back soon to hear about my stage debut, Scott's developments and Christmas!
Eat your heart out ladies...!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Allow Me To Introduce...

HE'S HEEERRREE!! That's right, my baby brother has arrived. I'd like to introduce Scott Robert Pethers. He was born Saturday September 6th at 4:17 am. He weighed in at 7 lbs, 14 oz and 21 inches long.

I have to admit, it's a huge adjustment for me and I'm still trying to find ways to bring the attention back to me. But Scott is just so sweet and I like holding him and giving him kisses.

Daddy thinks he is pretty cool too.

Mom thinks Scott is starting to look like me. These pictures are from the hospital. The left one is me at birth, the right one is Scott. Think we look alike??

I'll post more pictures of my new buddy soon. I'll leave you with this picture of me playing in the garden at home.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Going Places and Seeing Things

Yea, it's me again. Still no baby brother yet. But we've been having fun while waiting for him to get here. I've been going to playgrounds and we even went to the zoo this weekend. I thought I'd post some pictures for you to enjoy until Brother gets here.

This is from the park. The slides are definitely my favorite:

And these are from the Potter Park Zoo in Lansing. We saw some neat animals. I couldn't stop pointing at every one of them! Daddy and I are trying to talk Mom into getting some goats now, they sure were adorable.

Isn't that the cutest lion you have ever seen?

Another short and sweet post I know but better than not hearing from me in months huh?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Little Brother Countdown

Yup, that's right, my little brother will be here soon. Mom and Dad got his picture taken recently. They said he is a big baby already, nearly 5.5 lbs at 32 weeks!! If it's true that babies gain 0.5 lbs per week now then he'll be almost 10 lbs! Mom is a little nervous about that. But I better start beefing up or else people will think HE is the big brother, and I can't have that. Take a look at this picture, it is of his face. Isn't he chubby?!

The big thing that happened recently is I got this thing you people call a "haircut." It was my first one. It didn't start off good but ended well. I think I look pretty sharp and more grownup. Think I'll still get carded?

Dad thought my haircut made me look like Jim Carrey in Dumb & Dumber. What do you think?

We also went to my Great-Grandma's 90th birthday party. Doesn't she look great? It was fun catching up on old times with the family...

After the big birthday party we headed over to the neighbors for Mr. Gary's retirement party. Dad and I had a blast playing on some of his "toys". Think I'll ever be able to ask for something like that for Christmas? Yeah, even I know that'll never happen!
If anything exciting happens I'll update you here, if not my next post should be introducing my new brother!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Latest and Greatest from Team Super Cole

Hi All! Yes, yes, I know I've been neglecting my blogging duties. You're probably thinking "But, what other responsibilities could a 16 month old have?" Besides my chores, I've had a lot going on. Keep reading to find out!

In April, my folks took me to Florida to visit Grandma & Papa. I had a blast with the golf cart rides and "swimming" in the pool again. I practiced my flirting techniques with the flight attendants on the plane too.

Once the weather started warming up Mama got talking about her veggie garden. So Daddy went to work and built her an awesome raised bed garden. I had lots of fun helping him (or I should say supervising him).

Then something bad happened. My dog Maggie got sick. It came out of nowhere. Mom & Dad got her into the vet and they did some tests.
Tests said her white blood cell count was life-threateningly low. More tests and medications followed but they still couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. She got really weak and a lot sicker. Mom & Dad made the extremely painful and difficult decision to put her down. It's awfully quiet at home sometimes without her around. I'm sure going to miss hanging on her and petting her - she was my giant teddy bear. And a great hunter with Daddy. We will miss you Maggie!!

Soon after, Mom & I took a trip with Grandmother & Grandfather to Nashville, TN. It was a long car ride but being the awesome kid that I am, I was a great passenger and handled the unusual couple of days like a champ. (And yes, I'm tooting my own horn.) We went to Nashville for my Uncle Nick's graduation from law school. Yup, I got my attorney all lined up for future "issues" I may have. (j/k Mom!) Anyway, we're pretty proud of Uncle Nick, it's quite an accomplishment.

I also had fun hanging out with my cousin Thomas again. We raced up and down the hallway burning some energy (and amusing our 'rents), went on wagon rides and he even shared his toys with me - what a host! Here we are at the graduation party, we let the ladies come to us. Uncle Nick, Aunt Rebecca and Thomas have now moved to Virginia, pretty close to Washington DC I hear. Maybe in a few years after my little bro gets here we can head out that way and see the sights.

Speaking of my little brother: Mom & Dad got some pictures of him they said I can share. Check him out! Only 3 more months to go and I can start bossing him around. And no, they haven't come up with a name for him yet I'm told. I think we'll have to wait until he gets here to find out.

I guess my last bit of news is the hoppin' party I attended in May. My girl Lorelai turned one! She's now of age, you know, on the year scale instead of month scale. Geez, what did you think I meant? Anyway, she seemed to enjoy her queen of the day event. And oh my! What a stack of presents she got. I don't know who most of you people were that were there but you are ALL welcome to come to my next birthday party!

So, now I think you're all caught up. It was worth the wait, wasn't it? Until next time, enjoy the summer, if you need me I'll be outside playing in the garden and driving Daddy's tractor! XOXO